Introducing “Zero Code” ERC1155 & 721 NFT Collections Minting!

3 min readOct 1, 2022


NFTmall takes another step in revolutionalizing the blockchain space together with easing the use of NFT technology to the everyday end user. On the 30th of September, NFTmall introduced ERC-721 & ERC-1155 NFTs Custom Collections Minting with Zero Coding Knowledge Required.
Currently, NFTmall operates on 4 smart-contracts chains simultaneously, which include ThunderCore, Evmos, BSC, and BitTorrent.

Let’s unfold what is all about!

At NFTmall, we believe in creativity, innovation & process simplification. Following this motto we have been building since 2020 & constantly improving and scaling the platform. Ensuring the best user experience & innovation has always been our priority for our lovely users. We’re going to build more features and scale on any market conditions. We’re here for the long run.
~ MD Rakib Ahamed (Founder & CEO)

ERC-1155 NFTs: What are they and How to Mint them?

To wrap things up, ERC-1155 is a token standard that uses a single smart contract to represent multiple tokens at once.
This is similar to how ERC721 does things, but in that standard, a token id has no concept of balance. Each token is non-fungible and exists or doesn’t.
The ERC721 balanceof function refers to how many different tokens an account has, not how many of each. On the other hand, ERC1155 accounts have a distinct balance for each token id, and non-fungible tokens are implemented by simply minting a single one.

This approach leads to massive gas savings for projects that require multiple tokens. Instead of deploying a new contract for each token type, a single ERC1155 token contract can hold the entire system state, reducing deployment costs and complexity.
It means you can create multiple numbers of NFTs in a single transaction!
Traditionally to mint, an ERC1155 NFT collection required coding knowledge. NFTmall simplified this process and made collection minting available to anyone in a few clicks!

This Mint type is extremely useful for gaming projects that chose to use NFTmall to mint their project NFT assets, and for users or crypto projects trying to mint/sell multiple NFT assets of the same content quickly.
🌟 Project Owner, apply now to get other custom-made configurations for your NFTs on —

Check out the step-by-step video walkthrough on ERC-1155 NFT minting on NFTmall:

ERC 1155 collections minting.

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ERC-721/1155 Custom Collections Zero Code Minting

Now, you can create your own custom-made NFT collections in seconds using the NFTmall interface. After you create a collection using NFTmall, you can mint ERC-721/ERC-1155 NFTs and add them to this collection, and you’re now the proud owner of the NFT collection.
Project owners are also welcome to use this feature to easily mint their unique NFT assets that are used in the crypto project/game.

Check out the step-by-step video walkthrough on Collection minting on NFTmall:

ERC721 Collections minting.

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Pioneers of Multichain GameFi Infrastructure & Phygital NFT Commerce.

NFTmall = Multichain NFT infrastructure provider + Powerful NFT API + NFT materialisation service + Launchpad.

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We are the pioneers of multichain GameFi infrastructure & Phygital NFT commerce.