On January 20th, NFTmall reached a partnership with Coinhub wallet. This partnership aims at providing development and growth opportunities for NFTmall and its community. Coinhub will help us in managing multi-chain assets on its wallet. Now NFTmall’s users can also store their NFTs on their Coinhub wallet. as well NFTmall dapp is now supported at Coinhub.
Coinhub wallet provides A non-custodial wallet that does not store user data. When you set up an account, you do not need to pass your KYC verification. Unlike other wallets, you don’t have to save your private key on their server. Thus helping NFTmall.io with access to a wallet that doesn’t compromise on safety.
The wallet also provides privacy protection as even before the user data is uploaded to the server, it is encrypted and protected on the device side. Coinhub does not track and collect any personally identifiable information/assets/addresses and other private data. Thus providing privacy protection for all the users of NFTmall.io
About NFTmall
NFTmall is a multi-standard, multi-chain NFT platform where gifted artists (creators) produce and display their skills while earning incentives without third-party interference. It also allows collectors and affiliates to have fun while also earning. NFTmall is not just a marketplace but a community with a native governance token known as GEM that empowers creativity. Look at it as a community that enables NFT production, yielding and staking.
NFTmall GEM token bsc address: https://bscscan.com/token/0xbac1df744df160877cdc45e13d0394c06bc388ff
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About Coinhub Wallet
Coinhub integrates wallet, data and finance, mining, trading and other functions, enabling you to manage your multi-chain assets easily.